I have to dig through a year+ of files for one stinking move out report.
So, apparently from some resume I sent somewhere a long time ago, I've been offered a tech job offer. In Portland. How the hell did this get there? There's no way I'm taking it, not for the tiny bit increase in pay over what I make now, and not with having some wonderful people in my life here.
The weather has cleared decently today. I want to go picture taking or something, but I'm affraid I'm stuck here till 6PM tonight.
I'm thinking of getting rid of Windows on this laptop and putting Ubuntu on it. The only thing I have to figure out that would be critical would be the dialup connection (which, I use here at work through a free ISP)
This just opened today and I wish I was there.
Anyways... looks like the day will be another slow day at work. I just hit the required delinquincy for the month. Now if I can get it lower I can help carry the district into top-tier (for best bonus)
OK, off of here for now