Title: Wrong Identity 11/?
Pairing: Haehyuk
Genre: fluff
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: It is my regret and sorrow that I cannot own these funny, cute, HOT, and awesome boys.
Summary: Hyukjae is forced to find a new method to get into his college after being rejected. With the help of his friend, Sungmin (and an evil genius), he finally gets in - creatively.
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EEP! The water fight was soooo OMG. Soaking wet Hyuk....*dies* and wet Donghae... *head explodes* I would DIE to see that.... But seems like Siwon's getting more and more into Hyuk...which isn't good.... cuz Hyuk's a "girl." LOL
Well TeukChul is always the funniest. I love their interrogation, but Chullie's right XD I can't for Donghae to find out that Hyuk's "the guy in the closet." LOL
His reaction would be priceless <333
Update soon! And I'm trying to update LL as well :) Keep and eye out for it tomorrow or the day after! XD
LOL Siwon should back off, I agree X] he's got competition haha /Hae pops in, looking awesome
Muahaha I agree hehe :3 can't wait for his reaction /rolls on the floor laughing head off
Ok~! >.< Good luck, and I'll keep a close eye on you LOL :D /gets in position and stalks you
( ... )
that was hilarious LMAO X] Donghae's dorky expressions......
Ok, fighting! ^^ Have a happy thanksgiving hehe~!
seri hwaiting!! you too! happy thanksgiving!! and black friday :P
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