Harry Potter, the Fast & the Furious/Fastlane, Les Mis/Good Omens

Jul 30, 2003 21:40



I found a pretty decent Draco/Severus! Far too short, and from Harry's point of view, but still! Go read This Living Hand by Millefiori. :)

Also Lise has a new part to her Marauder series up. It's called Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, and it's very good. Summary: James decides he has to do something drastic to counter current events; tension in the school heats up. (very mild OotP spoilers) [131k]

found Midnight by the Weasley Watch by excessivelyperky through a new rec page and I really like it. It has a lot of Ron, Chess and Severus. Lots of chess. Fascinating chess. Fascinating new characters as well. All around fascinating. But, uh, you'd have to have at least a basic knowledge of chess in order to read this, I'd think.

les mis/go

Les Omens by Jenelin. I've seen most of the Les Miserable film now, but I still can't say whether or not the characterizations in Les Omens are dead on or not. However I can tell you that the Four Horsepersons and Aziraphale and Crowley definitely are dead on.

There was Something in Paris that day. It filled the air at the funeral. It lurked in the corners of small winding streets. It coated the paving stones. Something stood by the dirty gamin. Something watched the tall policeman. Something surrounded the hopeful student. Something was everywhere, and when Something spoke, in a skeletal voice, it said, IT'S GOING TO BE A BUSY DAY.


this one is all thanks to cosmic. :)

Repo Men is greatly characterizised, has some very witty one liners, and, Van is his usual adorable twat self, Deaq still deserves a medal for not killing him every two minutes, Dom is just *grins widely*, Brian's a kittycat and why Billie haven't kicked their collective arses is a mystery. *big grin*
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