
May 05, 2009 16:52

I meant to post this awhile ago but now that I am currently in the Anger stage of the grief cycle, i feel motivated

Click for extremely angry rant against RIT and a certain teacher. Warning, language is bad.

Last Tuesday was a q and A session with some area designers. I couldn't go because it's week 8 and I was tired and yeah. The next day I and many others got this. (I've censored out the name):

I am so disappointed at the turn-out last night at the Q and A. There were 10 people in the audience including me.
There was one junior and one senior from graphic design and the rest were AIGA members and students from other programs.

In addition, no members of the AIGA Executive Board were there to greet Bill ,etc. which is very embarrassing.
I know everyone is busy, but this information is CRITICAL to you getting internships/jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is so so so disconcerting that there is such a lack of interest in events here that ARE FOR YOUR BENEFIT.
There were some very good points made during the evening that I believe would not be covered by Chris or in other classes.

Please do not ask me for any advice about getting jobs. I guess I have to assume you already know everything there is to know.

I totally get being disappointed that we don't participate. I don't fault her in that. But the last part really pissed me off.

You know what? You're supposed to be my adviser. I'm not paying out my ass in loans to go to a school where a teacher doesn't even do her fucking job. You know what? I probably wasn't going to ask or your help anyway because for all the ten weeks I was in your class you never remembered my name and I honestly didn't learn that much. I would bring in my comps and you'd tell me they weren't any good but didn't give me much feedback. i only got approval through trial and error. I don't go to RIT because I already know all this shit and can whip out masterpieces. I go because I need to learn this stuff.

Caligaphy with you next quarter will suck. i bet you still won't learn my name and I'll be just another face in the crowd that you can step out of line and threaten. You're a professional. Don't add snarky comments to these students. You pile work on us and classes and then are surprised when we're too fucking tired to do anything else. Especially not in the middle of the week.

Guess what RIT? We have fucking lives and our world does not end with you. It may seem that way because you cut us and collect the money we're hemorrhaging but you're blind. You create an environment where if there's an emergency unrelated to you we feel GUILTY for dropping everything and leaving.

Fuck you teacher and Fuck you RIT.


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