Nov 07, 2006 10:06
I'm tired. It raining. I am off work. And school.I want to crawl back into bed and never get out.Milo is still on his throne. That condo may have been $170 but I think its the best investment Iv'e made for him so far, he loves that thing. If I get a digital camera for Christmas I can take pics all the time, my phone cam just doesn't cut it. Foster is sleeping on the bed. All is quiet, dark, and peaceful in the house.
Grams chemo isn't until 2. I wasn't planning on attending this one time, since mom will be here too and I thought we were going to see AIC....but no we aren't, because we can get 4X what we paid for our tickets and we could really use the money right now. I didn't really want to go anywho, first off because everything with Jessica and Micheal is a disaster,exp concerts latley, and secondly, it's not like Layne is around anyways. Granted, Jerry Cantrell; yes; but i'm just not feeling it today. This weekend went by too fast.
Sunday I didn't even get to relax, I couldn't sleep so I didn't sleep in, the first half of the day was nice but then we had the horrible adventure to Bed Bath and Beyond to get an $90 new trashcan, got it home and realized it was dented, Kevin is boiling by this point so I took it back and got the last one they had. Then we took Foster for a walk. Then I fucked up fried chicken because I bought breasts that were too big and I went by the regular cooking time instead of entending it, so they were a little pink on the outside. Then I stayed up doing towels, Kevins clothes, and homework.
Since 5am yesterday-9am I was finishing up my half semester long history research paper.....registering/ed for my LASTTTTT set of classes to finally get the FUCK out of HFCC and get my associates so I can finally fucking transfer.... (Which, even though I registered within the first 5 minutes of the schedules coming out, I'm still fucked going 5 days a week, cause they only offer ALL 3 of these classes once a day: morning or afternoon, and I can't switch my shifts cause I won't make $$ working any other shift, and my clients will be pissed.) So I'm taking Math for Elem. Teach. 2, Physical Science, and Anthropology....I couldn't take any other science classes unless I took chemistry which, me+math= noooo, let alone an addition of science, and astronomy and geology are only worth 3crhrs cause they don't have labs and I need 4 crhrs, and I can't take German like I wanted to because they only offer it at night, and I need German 231 to forfill my foreign language, which means I would have to go through German 131 first and HFCC oddly enough only offers 231, yet with a prereq of 131 that THEY DON'T EVEN FUCKING OFFER....I don't get them. But I can't waiste anymore time there and take on a 2nd semester just to take German---if they did offer it, so I'm now stuck with another class on "Middle Eastern Cultures and Peoples". Assuming none of these get canceled again due to low enrollment.
Anywho, back to yesterday, then I went to school after all of this, took Foster back to the vet, then work...which I was late for and had a color waiting on me, that was nice. Then came home and created more stress, I'm just....tired. I need to do laundry and dishes, vacuem, ect. Of which, I really had no clean concert apparrel to wear today anyways, which would have resulted in me running out to somewhere and charging a new outfit since I'm flat broke...and seeing a need a new tie rod AGAIN (I'm not even going to get into that one), brakes, and tires....and Christmas is coming up, and I need to go grocery shopping...I really don't need to be charging much of anything at all. Not to menchine the 10,000 other bills I just paid and horseshit.
What I want to do, is go to the gym. Yes, me time. Go to the gym, and come home, and take the longest, hottest shower, and then do my housework. Now I'm really thinking about that one. I haven't had me time in forever.
Lynn and Branden got their new apartment in Williamsburg Square, I am happy for them.
Chris being kicked out of the band forever also makes me happy.I hate him and his woman-hatingness so much.
I don't know, now that I have some time to myself I don't know what to do, cause I know what I SHOULD be doing and that is haunting me. Kevin won't get home til 2:30ish, which leaves me until 2 to start dinner, since I'm just making tacos anyways. I don't know. Decisions, decisions.
I wish Shauna or Erin or anyone still had their FUSA memberships, which, it doesn't matter anyways because everyone has kids, Lynn works until 5, Keri's membership is @ Bally's....I don't know, I should just go alone, DL some new songs on my MP3 player and stop feeling guilty for wanting to have me time.