The piano man

Jul 01, 2009 23:43

Today I'm doing my resume splurge. Ive resubmitted my resume to a crap load of place - and when I say crap load, I mean a crap load! I hope something comes through. I even applied at the same work place as Jess. If I get in we could car pool. Yay!

It was good to hang out with Jo again. She is very critical of me but it never hurts. And, once in a while I surprise her. Like she told me to play the piano (you may have heard that) and I said the usual stuck up thing about being cool and she tried to shut me down with a "Shut up, you're not that good". Then I started playing and she apologized by saying "Ok, maybe you are that good"

Jo and I went to the shops and I managed to finally send that letter to you. So expect two RED letters in the mail, slightly crumpled. We checked out the new shopping mall. I assume you and I will visiting there a few times to pray and eat the host.

And by pray I mean eat.
And by host I mean subway.

By the end of the day Sam had come to my house and Jo had left to go pick up Jess so we said our goodbyes. I kind of forcefully insisted that Sam come over and stay because mum would be going to hospital tonight for testing (she participates medical studies and no that's not why she is a little off in the head) so I'd be home alone.

Yes, you are probably a little mad. Imagine all the hot naked fun we could have had.



But no, I needed someone to keep me entertained while you were at work.

Sue me.

I also did something else stupid. Sam sat on my bed with his laptop and I needed somewhere to laptop too. So I thought Id finally move the desk.....

but I had to clean the crap off it first...
      ... and then i should move the bookcase...
.....and i should move the bed to get the desk out....
     ......and that bookcase should go somewhere else because I cant keep it in the hall


With Sam never leaving the bed I moved all the furniture around him. Including the bed with him on it. Actually that's the half truth - he helped me twice (out of the 5 times it took to get it right)
 More onto the title of the blog! I spent a significant amount of time on your song (River flows in you) and I'm also listening to it on repeat so I can get an idea of it. I hope you know that I wont be able to play it so well. I felt so stupid though playing it and sitting there writing in the notes on the left hand (my worst hand!) and I felt very much like a romantic.

The entire time, all I could imagine was playing this on a cloudy day while you lie on the couch behind me. Maybe a book in hand, your glasses on. Every now and again you glance up at me with a content sigh before taking a sip of whatever warm beverage we made together in the kitchen.

Now I have just been so lost in that fantasy again that I have forgotten what exactly I wanted to say. I think that was all.

I'm also sorry about last night. Ripping into you though made me feel a little better and eventually I could sleep. I wonder if when you are here it's going to be the same routine. Although I'm thinking that if you were here, I wouldn't be so sad.

.::: note to self :::.
  • Shave the back of your neck those rat tails are getting out of control. Its just not pretty
  • Go to the gym
  • Download more porn

The circle of life continues.
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