How to fix politics

Feb 17, 2011 15:43

I think you need three things to "fix" politics in this country so that it's truly run for all the people. Or at least, these are the biggest three hurdles.

1. Campaign finance reform and other measures to ensure our representatives aren't bought and paid for.

2. Education of the people so they don't vote for nazis, or whichever way those who own the big media outlets want them to. If there's a solution to this, the Internet is surely a big part of it.

3. Voting reform, to help eliminate disenfranchisement by ending the tyranny of the two big parties enabled by the bullshit that is "tactical voting".

#3 is why I've just bunged a few quid in the direction of the Yes to fairer votes campaign. I think the referendum this May for the Alternative Vote system is massively more important than any single general election.


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