Will e-books spell the end of great writing? [The Guardian].
This article makes me want to smash the laptop I am reading it on into a wall. Not because I agree with the author that digitising books somehow lessens them and that e-books, computers and online social network are resulting in a less rich life for all involved - no, it's just that it's the sort of stupid oh-I'm-so-old-fashioned faux-intellectualism that infuriates me.
Listen: if your enjoyment of reading is enhanced by the physical books themselves for whatever reason, keep buying books. They're not going anywhere anytime soon. Personally, though, my enjoyment of reading is largely unaffected by the media involved and gets a boost from anything that allows me to read more often (i.e. when I wouldn't otherwise have a book with me) or offers a greater choice of material (because I'm carrying 1000 books instead of one or two).
Also, have an owl in a bobble-hat: