I was going to post a whole long thing about how much I am in love with cooking lately, but I tried one or two drafts and I couldn't make it sound right, so instead I'm just going to throw up a few random recs and then take off for the night. The following is a small sampling of things that have made me very happy lately:
Tomato and Sausage Risotto. I've made this three times this summer, and I'm completely addicted. It's delicious and hearty and has the perfect texture, and it's complex enough to impress people without actually being complex at all.
Absolutely amazing Cream of Tomato Soup (and grilled cheese). I got together with some friends last month and we had a fantastic time cooking and eating this. Pairs really well with a cold beer or three. A little more labor intensive, but so worth it. Invite some people over and go for it.
(Look at me, I cook two or three meals and buy a cookbook and already I'm throwing around words like "texture" and "pairs." Jesus.)
Whiskeytown: Stranger's Almanac. You know how when you find a new song or an album that you just click with, and you can't get it out of you? I've been walking around town feeling this album in my skin for weeks. It's that great twangy blusey rock that I can't get enough of.
Groove Armada: Lovebox. I literally just bought this album, but so far I love it.
As She Climbed Across the Table, by Jonathan Lethem. I adore this book. It's such an oddball - it's a love story about physics, voids, infidelity, the relentless ridiculousness of academia, loneliness, therapy, and the eternal struggle for space, among other things. The copy I bought has a prettier cover (not that that's supposed to matter, but you know it does). I adore the way Letham plays with language; his writing style reminds me of The Book Thief, another title you should go out and pick up with much haste, if you haven't already.
Strange Pilgrims, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I remember randomly picking this up in the bookshop about 8 months ago, long before I started working there, and falling completely in love with the story on page 71 ("I Only Came to Use the Phone). I had no money at the time so I had to leave it behind, but when I was shelving the other day I stumbled across it again and immediately whisked it away to the staff holds shelf. Reason #432 that I love my new job.
Good food, books and music, and in about 15 minutes I'm driving up to San Francisco to meet my dad, my stepmom and possibly my dog. Life is so fucking good right now. Enjoy the night.