Jul 02, 2008 23:05
I have that feeling again, of standing on an edge, doesn't matter what kind, it's every edge out there - a cliff, a ledge, a tree branch, a fault line, a red border on a map, a curb, a line dragged carelessly into the sand - and I'm tensed there, ready for something, but I don't know what.
I feel like seeing a movie, because that's what I always do when this happens. I need to do my laundry. I'm broke. I have a hundred books and I don't know what to read. I want a drink, a conversation that's easy, I want fireworks to cover my eyes, I want and want and want, I am nothing but want and weight. Make me weightless, blow me off the crest of your palm. Make me something light and delicate, bobbing on a warm wind, a creature with no memory, no heart, no thoughts but sun, sky, air. A wish fulfilled, a glimmer. Let me go.
So I went out and bought an ice cream cone, walked to a park and lay down in the middle of a baseball field, and I saw four satellites and now I feel better. Summer is so strange. I never know what to do with myself in July.
Download 'Things Will Happen' by Hakan Jorming. It's everything I've been feeling for months.