Space is where the future comes from.

Mar 04, 2008 23:01

It's Tuesday night and I'm sitting in my room rocking out to She's Your Cocaine on my spinny desk chair, which is the best dancing chair ever, in case you were wondering. I'm about to turn on the Daily Show, which is a bad idea, because I still have about 40 pages of David Copperfield to read before I can go to sleep, but oh well! It's Tuesday! Jon Stewart is on! And I had pizza for dinner! With Nicole! Who at one point said "astronauts are the archaeologists of the future," which made me pause for a second and then laugh really, really hard! With a mouthful of pizza! I think my life flashed before my eyes! Exclamation points!

I'm trying to remember why I started typing this entry, and... I can't. I think it was just so I'd have an excuse to use my new awesome Lost icon, but that's kind of unspeakably lame. OH WAIT. Yesterday I went and saw a matinée of Penelope, because I completely rocked my French test and felt like doing something unproductive and fun, and while the movie was so-so, watching James McAvoy destroy "You Are My Sunshine" on five different instruments including a saxophone basically made my month. Wow, that was a really long sentence. Get out of my syntax, Dickens.

This is the most pointless thing EVER. And I'm going to post it anyway.
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