Jan 08, 2008 12:44
Back in Santa Cruz, and it's raaaining raining raining. I am quite cozy right now in my little cave of a room, eating macaroni and cheese, though soon I will have to venture out into the tempest to get to my Dickens class. I am taking a whole class on Dickens. How rad is that?
Last night Gu threw a bonafide dinner party, complete with the best wine I have ever tasted, the best food I have ever tasted, and a viewing of Fern Gully (which, by the way, is a total 80s acid trip, how did I never notice this before? Oh right, I was 6). We also did readings of David Egger's book about Giant Squid, and if you have never heard of this book, you need to be getting out of your chair right now (yes, as you read this) and moving in the direction of the nearest bookstore. You can thank me later. Lauren and I wrote a country western song about shiny tater tots and santa? I think? That part's a bit fuzzy. ANYWAY. I got home around midnight to find one of my roommates dancing topless in the living room with two boys from the next building over. Home sweet home.
In conclusion: I really missed this place.