We are converting our house to solar (photovoltaic). To go completely solar is estimated at $60,000 and would eliminate an estimated 16,290 pounds of carbon dixode/yr (assuming approximately 900 kWh per month). The current project has been scaled back to $30,000 to be a more realistic goal and the payments have been pushed to the beginning of 2010.
However, given the economy in general, my wife and I are worried that this noble goal might be a bit too much for us to do alone. So I'm offering family and friends the opportunity to help us reduce carbon emissions. If you believe in this noble goal and have $10 (or more) to spare, then please spend it towards making the planet more hospitable for all of us.
As an incentive, I will provide a
web page that will give a running total of carbon dioxide emissions eliminated in the form of pounds per carbon dioxide/yr based on the output of solar array. As an option, you will be able to put in your personal contribution amount on the web page and calculate your personal percentage of emissions eliminated.
EDIT: This collection was deleted due to reported bad business practices at Fundable.com.