Well Here I go...

Jan 19, 2002 12:41

This is my first entry and I tread out gently, hoping that I can build into my life the discipline needed to keep this up with any regularity. I don't want it to become one of those things that I just put off because I am afraid to face my emotions and even more PUT THEM ONLINE-BUT WE SHALL SEE WHAT HAPPENS.

hELLO, i AM Jill, now out of caps lock and I am moving through a life changing time where I have painfully discovered that my life was unmanageable and bloody well was on the rails of a crazy train of self destruction. I picked up my whole kitandkaboodle and came to a tiny little town (as opposed to the great big city) to find a way to live that will work. I am picking my way through the ruins, sometimes gingerly with tweezers and a lot of self pity and sometimes with a god-damned sledgehammer hefted with rage. Each day greets me with new personal challenges and demons to slay, as well as sweet glimpses of self assuredness and grace that I hope to string together like the pearls they are to drape about myself and hold dear.

So far today has been a slow , sticky morning of reading, snoozing, phone calls, french toast and Puccini's Tosca, difficult to wrench myself to the brilliance of the frigidity outside (ah the great midwest). But I think that I will be able to get out there as soon as I close here to get some polar air air in my chest and take Foley my gorgeous beast for a well deserved romp-he has been such a good boy. Then some laundry (again brrrr to the laundry place). I must also pick up the books collected at the town library for donation to the Chicago Children's Court waiting room, I am planning a visit to see a friend tomorrow that I can drop them to. Tonight I am going to Rockford for a meeting that should be a good time for fellowship and hopefully fun and adventure-we'll see. Well off I go...
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