i guess this is where i fall apart

Oct 30, 2004 14:36

hey! update on my so called life
Identifying the Character in Comic characters
Analyzing Addiction
Biology 101666

how about all of youz? i hope i'm in someone's class.

my painting of bambi is just about finished...the rest of the glitter will hit today and maybe i'll even upload a picture of it. probably not though...instead i'll show you what i'm being for halloween which is going to look good
speaking of halloween>>>>>>>>>>>>

it's going to be fun. kale is being NeoRainbowBrite YES
i hope everyone has a fun slideshow/dance party/drinkingbinge/snortfest for the weekend
maybe send me some pictures from it?

errr......not much else to say except

PAUL! what's up? myspace/friendster me i wanna cyber
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