Mar 26, 2011 02:16
Hey y'all! (By which I basically mean Heather, as you are probably the only one reading. XP )
Finally am getting over my respiratory infection...first day back at practice. It's been so frustrating not being able to keep up all the good progress I was making - but I guess it was just as important to rest and give my body time to heal itself. Still, I was definitely feeling the difference at practice much rink rust!! Legs so achy and uncooperative. Endurance even less than I remember. Lame.
Still, I didn't give up, and pushed through...not my best performance, but it's always a little rough after you've been away for a while.
Restarting the pushups and crunches challenge on Monday from scratch...still squatting while I brush my teeth...going to make an effort to find more opportunities to skate during the week, as well.
Practice tonight was good - like I said, was disappointed in my performance, at first, but stuck with it, and even got to work on can-openers. Not great at them yet, but getting there...tough not to follow through with the elbow - have to remember to keep my hand low and in front of me.
Then, got banished to the corner. :.( Really wanted to try the blocking / wall drills they were working on...worse, we had nobody working with us, for like, fifteen, twenty minutes, so it was kinda demoralizing. But then Salty showed up (Salty to the rescueeee!) and really kicked our asses...we did a lot of low-and-slow eggshells...real legburners. And we did some pace felt good, really good, to be pushed to my limit. It's the only way I'm going to get better. (I think I scared her when I almost passed out though. LOL. Note to self: Hydrate.) Even got to work on starts a little bit. (Guess what? Mine are shitty. Shocker.)
All told, good practice. I reeeeeeally need to get my endurance up, though, because that's the only thing holding me back. Even Salty was saying that we look good on our skates, steady, not wobbling, skills are solid - it's just the endurance, speed, and general conditioning that's holding us back.
So. Monday - resume challenge. Seek additional cardio opportunities. And, as always: NEVER GIVE UP!