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thepsychicclam December 22 2012, 04:14:24 UTC
OMG. I LOVE YOU. like, so much. this was so perfect in so many ways. it's exactly what i wanted and MORE.

i have a list of things i loved:
1. clint's arms! YES. :D
2. wwii reference!
3. He's looking a little rough around the edges, and his hair has been singed by some fireballs that had been shot in their direction = lol!
4. on the magic mirror you call a television.” - lol!
5. Thor has a thousand tales to tell, and is a natural
storyteller, painting a scene so vivid that Steve can almost imagine he’s there in the story. Epic battles and wild hunts come to life in Thor’s retelling, and Steve can tell that Thor delights in his reactions. There are exaggerations, of course, but they make Steve smile when Thor insists that the boar they caught the summer he was fourteen was as big as three men. - i
love this - i'm working on my phd in anglo-saxon lit, which is close to old norse, so this little detail made my heart HAPPY :D
6. aww, thor/loki love!
7. yay, bruce used in ways i love! Bruce pours something from a flask that’s been sitting over a Bunsen burner into a mug and offers it to Steve. - lolol
8. “Do you not roast a fatted pig? Nor stuff swans with peacocks, which in turn are stuffed with nightingales?”
“I could get you a turducken if you like?” Tony says bwhahahaha TURDUCKEN!
9. frowns in confusion when Clint offers him a cracker to pull, inevitably resulting in Clint being swung into the wall while Thor triumphantly brandishes the remains of the cracker.
best image ever.
10. Overhead, lightning flashes through the sky.

“Was that you?” Steve asks, but Thor only shrugs and smiles.

call me a silly romantic, but omg that was so freaking romantic. *draws hearts*

11. Because if you want me to build you some weird, kinky robot sex toy, it will probably end badly and get stuck somewhere and then Pepper will have to call in a discrete doctor again. Not that that's happened before, of course.
that made me snort
12. i love that natasha is the one who's like "okay thor, this is how sex works..." bwhahahahahahhaha
actually, that whole scene was gold.
13. yes! nearly public sex!
14. “I have made arrangements for us to be alone and
undisturbed,” Thor announces. “It is what is called a ‘romantic getaway’. I saw it advertised during one of my shows.” -
bwhahahahah awwwthor!
15. “Hey,” Clint says. “Why do you need to drive anyway? Can’t you just fl- Ow!” He reaches down, rubbing at his shin. “Who kicked me?”
Natasha smiles sweetly at Thor and Steve. “Have a wonderful time,” she says. “I’m sure we can hold down the fort.”
BWHAHAHAHAH clueless!clint and all-knowing!natasha. LOVE.
17. awwwww thoughtful thor during sex *draws hearts*
18. presense of come in sex? thank you.
19. Thor shrugs. “I was in need of aid to use the ‘Google’ to make suitable arrangements.”
"to use the google" BWHAHAHAHA.

Just...THANK YOU. you are the best <3

and i apologize for it taking me so long to read. holiday stuff just kept getting in my way (not to mention yuletide fic writing...) but it was definitely worth the wait <3<3<3


bluejbird December 23 2012, 20:40:54 UTC
I am beyond pleased that you liked it! Absolutely no need to apologise at all :) I'm really glad you liked all the things you mentioned (also, a PhD in anglo-saxon lit sounds super awesome and interesting!) because I really enjoyed writing it. So thank you for such great prompts, they were really inspiring!

Happy holidays!


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