Title: The Mysterious Case of the Socks Under the Tree
Pairing: Finn/Puck
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~2800
Summary: After finding an anonymous package under his tree, Finn tries to solve the mystery of who left it.
Author’s Notes: Written for
auchic in the Finn/Puck Holiday Exchange. Originally posted
here. Many thanks to the lovely
becca_radcgg for her help.
His toes, where they stuck out from beneath the blankets, were cold. )
The last two lines were priceless!
Can't you just picture Puck sitting with a pair of knitting needles and some yarn, tongue stuck between his teeth in concentration as he learns to knit? :)
I think he'd probably keep it up as a secret hobby, and he'd make Finn hold his yarn. And Finn would inevitably get all tangled up in it and Puck would roll his eyes and pretend to be mad and laugh as he helped Finn untangle himself (and then they'd bone).
I'm really so pleased you enjoyed this! That makes me really happy! Thank you for reading!
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