You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.

Jul 31, 2010 01:35


I have a mintyfiend. She arrived late last night and I've been forcing her to eat sandwiches pretty much ever since. Today we had a day of shopping (if she says she's only buying 4 DVDs, she will buy 7, without fail) and food (Las Iguanas om nom nom) and movies (A-team, which was much better than I expected and helloooo Bradley! Beck and I are at odds with our shipping for the movie, which is somewhat unusual. Also Inception again which has convinced me that what I thought about totems was true and all of the things I've read people bitching about to be cases of them not watching closely).

I have a weekend of awesome planned. We may or may not see Inception again. We may or may not eat a lot of food (we will) and watch a lot of movies (we definitely will).

I have a fully formed Eames/Fischer and Eames/Arthur fic in my head right now. I'm hoping to bully mintyfiend into writing me some of the many Inception fic ideas she's having. I also have some ideas for Glee fic. Considering signing up for reel_glee but I'm not sure how much I'd stick to the story. I mean, I want to write a fic based in the TiMER universe but it'd have nothing to do with the actual storyline so I'm not sure that'd count. Plus, tbh, most of the fic ideas I come up with based along plotlines of movies don't fit Puck/Finn- they're all Finn/Kurt in my head, and I want to write my OTP.

I have a job interview a week on Monday. In London. That gives the couple of jobs I'm really interested in a week to call me and invite me for interview there too.

I have to get some Inception icons. Anyone know where I can get some? I need a tonne of new icons to replace the bandom ones actually. Suggestions?

mintyfiend is my favourite, fic ideas

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