Precisely 1 year ago today, I posted to my LJ with just this:
Pete Wentz, may I have your babies please?
And that, ladies and gents, was the day I gave in and admitted I'd fallen head over heels for Bandom.
I plan on rambling a LOT about this. I have like, a Picspam and a Mixtape and various longwinded posts planned because, to me, this is a big deal. The past year has been one of the most amazing of my life, and it's all because of Bandom and what (and who) it's brought me. And there is still more awesome to come (so, I'm definitely going to the New Jersey Panic show in November! I'm so excited I might be sick. I phoned my parents and dropped it into the conversation. Their reactions were=
Mum: Oh that's lovely. Buy me some shoes?
Dad: So, Panic are playing New York then?
Me: No they're not, actually! And I don't see why you'd assume I'd fly off to see Panic!
Dad: ...
Me: Fine. They're playing New Jersey
Me: >:(
They both think it's awesome though. And it amuses me that they're so enthusiastically supportive of my bandom obsession, because I remember them saying, like, 4 years ago, "You're driving down to Milton Keynes? To see Dominic Monaghan/Elijah Wood/Sean Astin? Why?" and being completely bewildered, even if they were supportive of it. Clearly Pete Wentz has brainwashed my parents too, y/n?)
ANYWAYS. I thought I'd kick off my week (lol, because it's going to take me that long to get my shit together) of celebrating my year of awesome by offering wee ficlets. I know I'm shite at actually following through when I ask for prompts, but I PROMISE to write something, even if it's just a couple of lines. Any pairing, but gimme an actual prompt (a word, an activity, anything) cos my brain always needs a kick start.
Alternatively, I have a shitload of halfwritten WIPs, and idk, this is probably lame, but if anyone wants a snippet of one of these instead of a ficlet, then you have that option too! List is behind the cut. IDEK okay?
• John Mayer/Pete Wentz (in which John discovers Pete’s blog and worries about him)
• Heroes AU (of sorts. In which Nathan asks Pete to be his running mate)
• Cab GSF (that I've been editing foreverrrrrr)
• Honey I Shrunk The Patrick (in which Pete shrinks Patrick. And Spencer)
• Panic! At the Discworld (in which…well, it’s a Discworld AU, with all of bandom slotted into the ‘verse)
• Seacreature AU (in which I feel bad for leaving Nick and Tom and Bert alone, and have to write happy endings for them too)
• The one where Panic and FOB’s roles are reversed (ie, Pete stalks Ryan to get him to sign his band)
• Truth About Cats and Dogs AU (Pete, Patrick, William. IDEK. I need to rewatch the movie before I finish this, actually)
• Lab AU (in which Brendon is an undergrad, Patrick is a grad student, Pete is a post doc, and they all work for Professor Way, who just wants to save lives)
• Ryan Ross Is A Groupie For Ronon Dex’s Band ‘We Can Name It Later’
• The one where Brendon magically turns into Spencer’s drumkit (I never claimed to be sane, okay?)
• Living Like Jack and Sally (Nightmare Before Xmas AU, Pete/Patrick)
Anyways. I feel like I should apologise in advance for the fact that this week, my journal is going to be All Bandom Squee, All The Time, but I'm probably about a year too late for that, and also, Bandom isn't something to apologise for inflicting on my Flist. :D