Attention All European Based Bandomers!

Apr 09, 2008 22:29

Lookie! A poll!

I've been pondering for some time the lack of a European based bandom comm. I'm kinda extremely jealous that the Aussies have this fantasticly successful comm (fbraustralia) full of awesome people, and we don't seem to have anything like that at all. And I'd quite like to set one up, unless someone can point me towards a great, active one that already exists here in LJland. But there's probably not much point if it's just going to be me and the, like, 3 European people on my flist. Hence this poll.


I forgot to add "Any suggestions for a comm name?" in there, and I'm too lazy to go back and edit. So, yeah, answers on the back of a postcard in comments, if you have any suggestions.

I'd love it if you could pimp this out and link friends to this poll, since I'm just trying to get a rough idea of how much interest there'd be in something like this. I kinda want it to be super awesome, and it'll be loads better if there's a few people interested, since one of the main reasons, for me, is networking with other fans- cos sometimes it's a bit lonely all the way over here, when all the squee is happening across the pond. So yes, please link people here, I'd love to know what people think so feel free to write long, rambly comments how I'm a genius/an idiot/whatever. Also questions are good too!

(Incidentally, I'm kind of amused that that management/teambuilding/talking in cliches course I went on last week has driven me to do this. Although when they were all 'Go and look for opportunities, and if none already exist, make them for yourself' they probably weren't talking about a comm to discuss talented and amazing boys and girls.)

comm, bandom, poll

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