This goes out to Tyler!!!

Oct 09, 2005 17:08

Okay so I am in a good Mood now, not so sad...but I will talk about the rest of my day later... I just wanted to Inform Tyler that I added him to my friends list!!! And since I am on this now he could you know add me too.. ;) :(...since ya know I am ...his friend...I hope...:) He He He...member that time at the Mariners game and we got stopped by the train and you kept saying "Go on through"...good memory...or the time when I was first going out with Silas and you wanted to stop and get something to eat and Silas didn't, so you asked me to say I was hungry so you would win and I did but it came out wrong...?...Good times okay anyway Love ya Macaroni! Have a good time in College don't forget to stake it out for me!
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