2008 and Various Other Topics

Jan 03, 2008 17:54

I'm coming to a slow realization of why I can rarely follow and understand the code I've working with for the past year and a half. It helps when the guys you had to lean on before to provide just enough understanding to get by on are gone. That reason is: it's SCHWARBAGE.

Over the Christmas season, there has been rather little assigned to do. I decided to find something small (ha, not with this code) that I could fix up. One particular user interface was laid out rather poorly, so I thought that would be something I could do. It's been about 3 weeks of futzing around with the code. I've made parts of it better, but I've also broken other parts. I'm not willing to commit anything to the repository because parts of the display are worse off and I don't know what I did to break them. What looked like a minor UI layout fix led me into a major tangled ball of Holy Wow, That's Disgusting. It seems they have control and/or data management type code mixed in with their user interface code. It's also hacked together and so intertwined with other pieces such that it is now a precarious Jenga tower. It takes only one or two pieces before it comes crashing down. The code is heavily layered and tangled hacks wrapped with more hacks. This is what you get when you develop for demos on short time frames.

Anyway, I've nearly forgotten what my other topics were. I am going to try my best to better myself in software engineering, and in general actually, this year. Christmas gave me yet another book that I need to read. Hopefully I can make more time to read. I have a bunch of mini "resolutions" like that in the back of my head that I need to get written down. They're mostly little bad habits that I have seen in myself and am tired of or little good habits that I know I should start. If I can get a couple of things changed, I'll feel better. I wanted to try a monthly refresh of these mini goals. Monthly "resolutions". That, I suppose, is the key goal. If I can get that going and get things written down, it should be easier to do. I'm also not forcing myself to change things all at once. I know that that is the hard way. Small moves, Ellie, small moves.

I've made a WGA support icon out of this and set it as my default. Feel free to use.

There are a couple of things I've been eyeing that I didn't get for Christmas. I need a new jacket. You should see the sleeves. They're shredded. I want a new hard drive. It's probably the only thing worth upgrading in this computer any more. I could get a new cell phone. Verizon's "new every two" deal! And, I could probably use some Shoe Goo. All my shoes' soles crack, which is bad in winter. I need to make up my mind on some of these and just get 'em. I've been weary of buying things lately due to budget concerns, but I can try and save money elsewhere. These are things I kinda need.

work, programming, icons, resolutions

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