Apr 18, 2006 15:56
You ever find yourself kind of dissapointed with someone because they seem to be acting in a way you never thought they the would act? The shitty thing is this person's actions are more than likely a result of something I said. So I'm not sure if I should be kicking myself for opening my mouth or thinking whatever I did nothing wrong and I was bound to find out they'd act like this sooner or later. I'm sad though because this person was so awesome and I liked talking to them and for all I know those days are over and I wont be able to talk to them again. I don't know if I really regret saying anything though. It's probably good that I did so that I can this whole emotional mess over with. I'm not sure if this part was a good idea or not but I decided that just because I was right and it's never going to work out for me doesn't mean it can't work out for my friend so I told her to go for it. If she does I'm not sure how things will turn out, I know they'll be acward but I can suck it up and deal with it. I've also decided that I need to learn to shower before I do my sociology homework because now the cleaning lady is in our bathroom and I have an hour before class and I'm not sure how long she'll be in there. Maybe I'll just jump in the shower before she can get to it. She might hate me for that but it's better than going to class without showering.