Aug 03, 2005 21:32
So first of all, thanks to everyone that sent me love earlier today. The grad review went great, they loved my stuff.
So yeah, came home and Cece and I decided to celebrate (meaning rum) but she needed to take her final first. So I hug out in her room to keep her company and while she did a practice test I took a bit of a nap. When I woke up I was wicked lethargic. I did my best to keep her calm during her final (she tends to obsess...mock her as you will) and after she finished (she got an A like I knew she would *rolls eyes*) we decided it was time to celebrate. Again...rum. So away to our fav mexican restaurant we went. I had me a nice tall glass of Lava Colada (aka Orgasm in a glass, aka Liquid orgasm) and I told Cece she should get a Hurricane de Acupulco. That thing had soooooooooooooooooo much rum in it!! (mmmmmmmmmmmm rum!!!) Where was I? Right, rum. So it was all good. Ya know what happens to us when we're sicked fucking tired and we drink lots of rum? We're soooooooooo good right now. Life is snazzy and we are so very relaxed....I think Cece just passed out...light weight. Anyways yeah, rum. Mmmmm...rum.........sorry, what was I saying? It was about rum, right? I like rum. Oh! her hurricane had a cherry in it but we didn't know till she got to the bottom of the glass. She was having issues getting it out of the glass, she was trying to harpoon it with her straw. So I asked if she wanted me to pierce her cherry. She giggled and handed the glass over and while I was working at getting her cherry she was all "You can have it if you want, as your reward". So I got to take Cece's cherry tonight. It was rum soaked. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rum......................
Hope you all had fun with that story *evil grin*