Story Time

Sep 10, 2004 18:48

I'm taking a class called "Legal Analysis, Research, and Communication." For short, we call it "gym." Logical, right? Well, the reading's light compared to everything else, we're not put on the spot, we invent goofy hypotheticals, and our assignments have been only a paragraph long so far. The main reason we consider it our "easy" class, however, is because our teacher's an absolute sweetheart. My preconception of a female lawyer is a cold-hearted bitch, to put it mildly (and my colleagues assure me that I'll become one soon enough. My condolences.). Somehow this lady escaped the stereotype.

I'd describe her as a kindergarten teacher (and she actually overheard me telling this to someone who wasn't in my section). She brings us candy every class and simplifies concepts to the point of being ridiculous. I mean, we've all taken Government and English courses at some point to get here. So, as the title promised, here's a little story she relayed to us in class. (My memory's deteriorated since it was a few days ago, but here's the gist of it.)

I was driving back to Houston from [some neighboring town, like Clear Lake] with someone I'd been seeing for quite a while. I thought we were getting along beautifully. Wonderful, insightful conversation. Everything was clicking. All of a sudden, he pulled the car over onto the shoulder of the highway. "That's it!" he shouted, "I can't take it anymore! Our conversations are so frustrating and circular. You always bring up new arguments, and we never reach a resolution. Get out of the car. I'll call you a cab." And he did. I was astounded. I didn't realize until later that he was driving mycar.

She warned us that we'd see situations in a new light and interact with people in a different manner.

You could conclude a few things:

1) Men don't like opinionated (read: argumentative) women.
2) It's risky to let your significant other drive your car.
3) My professor's blond.
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