"Now Is the Chance for the Flowers," NC-17, Sam/Dean

Jul 19, 2010 19:38

Title: “Now Is the Chance for the Flowers”
Category: Slash
Rating: NC-17.
Pairings/Characters: Sam/Dean
Word Count: 6500
Summary: Angst and psychic sex, in that order. Set in an off-canon Season Two.
Further A/N: This is the fifth story in my “The Woods Are Lonely” ’verse. If you’re feeling porny but haven’t read the other stories, fear not: a ( Read more... )

long, dean, sam pov, woods 'verse, sam, slash

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blueiris08 July 22 2010, 14:11:43 UTC
Five years of show and no gen? I salute your commitment!

There isn’t a short answer to the question about whether there will be more. Basically, the inspiration for this series came to me in one big clump during the first couple seasons of the show. I have about three more stories in the ‘verse sketched out but nowhere near completion, and I’ve been absolutely spinning my wheels on them ever since. I finally posted this one because I had put an incredible amount of time into it and it was driving me crazy to think that all that time was wasted. It was also sort of a test balloon to see if there is still an audience for stories set in this period, but I don’t want it to sound like I’m holding future stories for ransom unless there’s feedback-I hate it when authors do that. I just wanted to get the lay of the land, because I could certainly understand that people might not be as interested in stories that don’t take into account three years of character development.

So, will there be other fics? I’m not sure. I’m going to try rewatching some Season One and Two DVDs to see if I can recapture the feeling a little bit, but I write at a glacially slow pace, so there won’t be anything new in the next few months no matter what. FWIW, though, this story is listed as a standalone because it’s PWP, but it really is in the “Woods” ‘verse. Even if you don’t usually read gen, I would also recommend this one because it's the linchpin of the series, and future stories might refer back to it. There's no sex, but (imho) it's so intimate that sex would be redundant.

Anyway, thank you so much for commenting. Your feedback gets to the heart of what I wanted to communicate with the story (connection, not just sex), and I'm very grateful for it.


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