"A Matter of Principle"

Jan 28, 2008 20:13

Title: A Matter of Principle
Rating: PG
Category: Gen.
Characters: Sam, Dean, Original Character, and a bit of John.
Word Count: 5300
Summary: Wherein a school administrator from days past nearly blows Sam and Dean's cover.
Author’s Notes: The setting is post-'Nightshifter/'Folsom Prison Blues.' Thanks to just_ruth   for superfast beta and the title idea.

A Matter of Principle )

gen, medium length, standalone, flashback/pre-series, john, author's favorite, sam, outsider pov, dean

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Why Flint? blueiris08 February 7 2008, 11:58:26 UTC
I slacked off on my feedback: sorry, and thanks for the info on the middle school/high school locations. All I could find were street addresses, and none of them seemed to be on the same streets.

Why Flint? The long answer:

I'm from the Midwest, so places like Detroit and St. Louis jump to mind when I think crime, rather than LA or DC. The show had already done St. Louis. Funnily, I did Flint over Detroit because Wikipedia showed Flint to be more racially diverse--I didn't think through how sharply segregated cities can be by neighborhood. The location had to be relatively close to hunting/recreation areas so the hunting knife would be plausible, but urban enough that Beverly's two carjackings were believable. Flint seemed to fit the bill.

I put way, way too much time into establishing background for fics. I'm not even going to say how long I spent into looking up forest biomes and transportation history for another story located near a national park.

Anyhoo, that's the Flint story.



Re: Why Flint? coell February 7 2008, 23:39:41 UTC
Wow, thanks for such details! I was really just curious -- it's such a tiny detail in the story -- 99.5% of people probably didn't even bat an eyelash. Still I'm impressed to see you put so much thought into it. Looking forward to reading more of your work!


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