"A Matter of Principle"

Jan 28, 2008 20:13

Title: A Matter of Principle
Rating: PG
Category: Gen.
Characters: Sam, Dean, Original Character, and a bit of John.
Word Count: 5300
Summary: Wherein a school administrator from days past nearly blows Sam and Dean's cover.
Author’s Notes: The setting is post-'Nightshifter/'Folsom Prison Blues.' Thanks to just_ruth   for superfast beta and the title idea.

A Matter of Principle )

gen, medium length, standalone, flashback/pre-series, john, author's favorite, sam, outsider pov, dean

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Comments 91

newredshoes January 29 2008, 02:04:33 UTC
Dean Winchester -- Certified Public Accountant! Sounds like an action series with a theme song and everything.

This was awesome. This is going to sound strange, but this sounded exactly like being in the principal's office. The language, the tone -- and the dynamics of all the Winchesters were just wonderful to watch. And I loved Beverly. Thanks for posting this!


blueiris08 January 29 2008, 11:38:02 UTC
Heh. I'm from a family of CPAs, and it would not be an *exciting* action series. Thanks for commenting: it was hard to know how a fic in this setting would come across.


embroiderama January 29 2008, 03:12:45 UTC
Wow, I really enjoyed this--the outside POV is great, the way she slowly recognizes them through both their faces and their interactions.


blueiris08 January 29 2008, 11:38:31 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


(The comment has been removed)

blueiris08 January 29 2008, 11:42:04 UTC
Long hair: heh too. I'm not sure where the race idea came from in the first place, but Dean's "clueless 'cause he's colorblind" scene in Route 666 was so adorable that it had to be done again.


just_ruth January 29 2008, 03:21:11 UTC
Nice solid POV and building a mystery. Glad the pun didn't throw you. I had a good time reading this and I hope to see more from you in the future.


blueiris08 January 29 2008, 11:43:33 UTC
And thank you again for beta'ing. Glad you liked it!


vorrothiel January 29 2008, 03:24:08 UTC
loved it. I liked the flashback - I admit it I'm a sucker for weechesters in school!


blueiris08 January 29 2008, 11:44:13 UTC
Weechesters wasn't a genre I ever thought I'd do, but sometimes fics write themselves, y'know? Thanks for commenting.


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