PSA: Sneaky homophone

Jan 16, 2010 18:19

I've been seeing a lot of this one lately:

Main Entry: faze
Pronunciation: \ˈfāz\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): fazed; faz·ing
Etymology: alteration of feeze to drive away, frighten, from Middle English fesen, from Old English fēsian to drive away
Date: 1830
: to disturb the composure of : disconcert, daunt

Main Entry: phase
Pronunciation: \ˈfāz\
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin phasis, from Greek, appearance of a star, phase of the moon, from phainein to show (middle voice, to appear) - more at fancy
Date: circa 1750
1 : a particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes

2 a : a distinguishable part in a course, development, or cycle b : an aspect or part (as of a problem) under consideration
3 : the point or stage in a period of uniform circular motion, harmonic motion, or the periodic changes of any magnitude varying according to a simple harmonic law to which the rotation, oscillation, or variation has advanced from its standard position or assumed instant of starting
4 : a homogeneous, physically distinct, and mechanically separable portion of matter present in a nonhomogeneous physicochemical system
5 : an individual or subgroup distinguishably different in appearance or behavior from the norm of the group to which it belongs; also : the distinguishing peculiarity
- pha·sic \ˈfā-zik\ adjective

- in phase : in a synchronized or correlated manner

- out of phase : in an unsynchronized manner : not in correlation

Main Entry: phase
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): phased; phas·ing
Date: 1904
1 : to adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition
2 : to conduct or carry out by planned phases
3 : to introduce in stages -usually used with in
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