Nov 22, 2005 20:04
Well....Life does amazing things. Things you least expect to happen. Like, Roberto for example, he was young...a cool, funny person...who you'd never see getting hurt, and then next thing you know, he's gone in a blink of an eye. Another example..I like Collin ofcourse...but I never saw myself going out with him...and next thing you know, im going out with him! It makes me feel like such a lucky person! But I wish Roberto could of been luckier. But hes in a better place now, so i can just remember that.
In other news...President Bush decided too..NOO im just kidding! But yea, any wayz, i decided a long time ago, and once again today, that i wouldnt be here if it wasnt for my friends. I mean, Chelo...shes been there for me all the time..the one who holds me back when i wanna go do something stupid..the one who tells me to shut up, and get in my room before she kicks my ass. hehe. She always sticks up for me, and always knows what to do. Shes the person i can go and talk to about this really hott guy, or that ugly guy and always have something to say about it, whether its good or bad...when im having a bad day, she'll find something to cheer me up....i always ask her for help about what to do, but im dumb and tend to ignore what she says and do whatever anywayz..which ends up being a mistake...and if i had listened to Chelo, it wold have never that means i really need to listen to her more, cuz she alwayz seems to be right. Shes my partner in crime, and im nothing without her..if Chelo were to die...i would die too, i couldnt live without world would fall apart, and i wouldnt be able to go through it. Shes just...what anyone could ask for in a best friend...i mean yes..sometimes Chelo is a total shithead..'specially when she was right and i was wrong..she definetly rubs that in..depending on what it was..I love you tons!
Tiffany...shes my damn shrink! If i have something to get out of my system..i go to her and talk to her about matter HOW bad i dont wanna talk about something..she makes me say it anywayz, even if that leads to me getting all pissed off...she just wants me to get it all out...we always have a guy to talk about..whether its good or bad...its mostly been about JD though..and maybe like..2 other people...she yells at me when i talk about wanting to die and just killing myself...well, Chelo does too...but Tiffany does it 10x more, cuz i talk to her more about that kind of stuff...shes my lunch buddy..hahahaaa...we alwayz spend lunch together and gossip about whats been happening...Parker thinks me and her are really weird...SOO not true..hehe, ya right...I love ya lots!
Sammie...well, shes another one of those people i can tell my problems too, and she'll try and help me alwayz..hehe...i mean, we dont talk alot like we did last year, but i still love her ta death as well! I mean...Sammie is quite a clutz...i mean..everytime she gets hurt..its alwayz in school..both her wrists, and he knee..ALL happened in school..I have some great memories with when we were in quest, and she took of her brace thingy for her wrist, and i accidentally hit it, and she said oww, and all, and i didnt know what i did, and shes like..i broke my wrist remember...and i was like...POSTIVE she didnt break her wrist..and she kept saying she did..trying to tell me when it happened...and i would say.."SAMMIE! you broke your wrsit in 5th grade!!" and then somehow she managed to convince me she had broken it, when she tripped over Brittany during, i felt pretty stupid afterwards..hehe...I love you tons
I love all my friends ta death..yes, we have are bad times, but its mostly full of good times...there are fights, which just tend to bring us closer...i mean lately..we are all getting closer than what we were at the beginning of the that puts a smile on my face.
Well, i am gonna go now, so i will update another time...another time when Tiffy isnt asking me if im done yet. lol. I Love ya Tiffy! lol
~ LoVe * MaNdY ~
R.I.P. Roberto Lopez 11.22.05