Jul 29, 2005 01:38
1. Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with and why?
I would want to be stuck in an elevator with a book, not a person. Actually I think I would like to be stuck in an elevator with my notebook so I could right and think. In fact I don't think I would mind being stuck in an elevator at all. But if I had to pick someone it would be someone that I can talk to for a long period of time.I think I would like to get stuck with someone that I don't know who has funny stories.
2. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved-ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Leonard and Red
3. You woke up one morning and found out you had become President. What would you do? Improve national security, stregthen environmental codes etc. etc.
4. If you only had three months left to live, what would you do? live my life as usual. I like how I live now.
5. Which vegetable or fruit do you think most resembles you? Orange, bitter sweet, tangy, zesty.
6. You have the power to ban any one TV show from being broadcasted. Which one would you choose and why?
Oh my fucking gods! Where do I start. Let's start with kid shows. Barney is off air so we're good and I think Teletubbies is good, so that means Dora the Explorer, Pokemon, that stupid colonial Revolutionary war show, Totally Spies, Teen Titans (an insult to Batman) and we need to get rid of Face and that talking ball on Disney, Baby Looney Toons needs to go, BRING BACK MUPPET BABIES AND THE MUPPET SHOW!!!!!. Now onto those Teen dramas, O.C. gone, Everwood gone, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (reruns), Angel, Charmed all gone. NYPD blue is gone. As far as I'm concerned the ones that are going to play are going to play are Law and Order, Law and Order: SVU, House Md., Simpsons, Family Guy, Trigun, Samurai Champloo, American Dad, Robot Chicken, The Apprentice, The Law Firm (I know its not out yet but it looks oh so good) and that's it.
7. If a crystal ball would tell you the truth about any one thing you wished to know concerning yourself, life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know? Where will I be in 10 years from.
8. You have just realised a life's ambition and became a teacher. Which subject have you chosen to teach and why? Sheakspearian Literature
9. In a nice restaurant, after getting the bill for an excellent meal, you notice that you were not charged for one of the items you ate. Would you tell the waiter?
I would
10. Which sport would you most like to see banned and why?
I don't believe in banning sports though I would ban Golf from TV
11. The saddest thing you ever saw was... A mom beating her child in the backseat. DCS was called
12. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 5 years to become extremely attractive? why not? what's an extra five years?