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blueice217 User Number: 1037204
Date Created:2003-05-01
Number of Posts: 5
up in the sky...its a bird...its a plane...its a pirana? no, its me silly. dude, i know it prolly would require some high-powered binoculars to see me up there, but hey, whats a girl to do at 5\'2\"?
Strengths: combined with the powers of annie bananie, the ability to jack brian\'s blanket from him for short periods of time! (also able to waste extended periods of time doing stupid things like making live journal trading cards.)
Weaknesses: unable to defeat the powerful Wheat Thin in hickey contests :( plus people (a.k.a. all the future roomies of our awesome brockton pad) like to pick on me cuz im little.
Special Skills: can raise one eyebrow (the left) in a glare intended to induce others to attempt the same awe-inspiring feat.
Weapons: super sharp nails, ear-reverberating scream, and of course just too adorable to resist in general ;) plus im short (not quite sure how thats a weapon, but i thought id mention it, since everyone else does).
Allies: Wheat Thin, Phat Cracker, Annie Bananie, Big Boy, Ngu, Smelly Butt, Monkey Girl, and whoever else has a \'cool\' super-hero name that i currently am unable to think of. and no, \'Killa Beez\' does not count, cuz it has to be a name someone else gave you, but i didnt forget you i promise :)
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