
Jan 21, 2004 23:21

Let's see. A few thoughts and then a little baby meme (plus a little hello to a real-life friend of mine who recently demanded the address of the journal - See Jason, I told you there was nothing here).


I just went and took a look out at my friend's profile and then stayed to browse. Must say as much as on-line dating doesn't appeal to me, it is heartening to see the number of people who, on paper at least, seem to want the same sorts of things: companionship, family, love, etc..

Heartening for the human race and all. Though perhaps not, I guess, for the population.


But anything after that State of the Union.

Itty-Bitty Meme:

The other day I was waylaid by a small town journalist with the following question (provoked by the recent Britney Spears marriage):

If you could be happily married to any person living or dead for one day with no adverse consequences, who would it be?

I must say that I answered in a typically lit-geeky way. After much hemming and hawing I picked Keats because, well, the man died young and was never happy in love. I would have liked to have seen him happy for a day.

Of course, I over-thought the question: but I'm not in love with any people living or dead, what if we don't get along, maybe I should choose a woman to point out the ridiculous injustice of talking about the "sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman" while allowing any Jack and Jill to marry frivolously for a day while long-time same sex partners are denied simple human rights.

I know, I have been in graduate school far too long.

But, anyway, if there is anyone out there: Who would you marry for a day and why?

thoughts, memes

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