Jan 03, 2012 23:45
Just a brief thought tonight.
I've long considered the zombie an example of a modern Sisyphus.
What do they want? Brains. That goes without saying.
But will any kind of brains do? No, of course not. They want the brains of a living human being.
So they chase down the living human being, drag them to the ground, crack open their heads, dive in, and get a great big mouthful of...well, zombie brains.
Sure, maybe the first bite is still tasty human brain. It's possible that even the second mouthful still tastes of fresh living person. But, massive trauma and all, the victim quickly dies and the brain transitions from object of desire to an item of complete indifference. Zombies don't eat zombie brain, after all.
So the zombie is perpetually disappointed, always seeking that which cannot be obtained.
It's tragic, really.