The story thus far

Jul 01, 2006 16:02

So, over the winter I started itching. And not just regular itching. This was like a burning, insistant itching. I would get out of the shower, towel off, and almost immediately feel burning itching all up and down my legs and back. During the day, at work, it was usually my forearms, and sometimes my legs. I racked it up to dry winter skin and applied more lotion, which seemed to help a bit. The itching didn't go completely away, but it was more tolerable. At some point, it stopped.

Come spring, my allergies start bothering me so I start taking a Clariten every day. After getting back from my vacation at the beginning of June I run out of Clariten and never bother picking up more. My allergies seem to be fine, so I don't see the point. Plus, that shit's expensive!

A couple of weeks later (last week, to be exact) the itching started again, only much, much worse. Lotion didn't really help. And I was now itching all over. All. Over. My arms, my legs, my scalp, my EARS, my feet, my chest and breasts, my back, EVERYWHERE. Some days were better than others, and some days I just wanted to scratch my skin off to make it stop. There were a couple of nights last week when I had to take Benedryl before going to bed because I was itching so bad I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep.

The fact that Benedryl helped got me thinking about when the itching stopped and when I started taking Clariten, but I can't remember if they overlap because I never paid that much attention.

Also, Benedryl knocks me right on my ass so I try not to take it during the day. And if I do take it at night I'm groggy the next day. My body is so very weird.

Here's the really bizarre part: I don't break out. I don't get a rash. I don't get hives. I haven't changed detergents, or soap, or shampoo, or anything in my diet that might account for all this itching. The only thing that has changed is that I started taking Microgestin in October of last year. But if I was going to have some kind of reaction to that, wouldn't it have shown up right away? And, wouldn't it not go away with the allergy medicine?

Anyway, I went to the doctor on Friday to see if he could figure it out. Well, he couldn't. He sent me for bloodwork to rule out the obvious (his words) - liver, kidneys, etc. I went for the tests this morning, and he won't have the results for a few days. Probably longer because of the holiday.

I'm trying not to think about something being wrong with my liver or kidneys. I'm sure they're fine, and I'm sure this all something really obvious and simple to solve. But still. Liver and kidneys.

He gave me a prescription for Allegra in the meantime, which does seem to be helping.

So, now you know, and when the shit hits the fan you'll all be up to speed and I can freak out without having to go into explanations. :P

crazy itching

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