Nov 15, 2009 18:50
I just got a phone call I knew was going to come, but wasn't expecting so soon. My friend from work, who's been battling her second round of breast cancer for over a year, just passed away.
I don't know what to feel right now. I don't really feel much of anything.
She got sick again year before last? I think? Anyway, she got sick again but didn't go to the doctor for six months because her daughter was in school to be an EMT, and she didn't want Emily to worry or have her studies affected. So there's that.
But who's to say that if she did go right away things would be different now?
I don't know how to feel right now. I knew it was coming. We all knew it was coming, nobody said it but we all knew it was coming.
Emily sent out an email Friday that Nancy had to be put into hospice care. That she was weak and disoriented. That her body had become used to the chemo treatments and that was why they weren't making a difference.
Nancy's birthday was the 9th. One of the other women at work threw her a party on the 2nd of November. I couldn't go because I'd been sick, and was still sick the day of the party, but a lot of other people from work did go. They said it was nice to see her, and that her seeing everyone else cheered her up. But they also said she looked like a skeleton, that she was gray and nearly unrecognizable. I'm sad that I didn't get to go and see her one last time, but I'm also glad that my last memory of her isn't of her looking like that.
She was always smiling. Always funny and joking around. Nice to everyone. Sarcastic, too. She was a good artist; she would always make our announcement posters at work. Loved cows. Her dad had been a milkman back when it was delivered to your door. She always made cakes for everyone's birthday. Never forgot. She was good person. A good mom. Everyone loved her. I loved her.
She didn't deserve this.
nancy d