Nov 18, 2003 16:13
It hasn't stopped raining since last night, and even though that should mean that I wouldn't get distracted by going outside and therefore should get done all the stuff I've been putting off...
I've done nothing all day.
Well, that's not exactly true.
I made this new icon. I did laundry. I ate lunch. I...
Well, the icon's cute. And, I now have clean underwear.
I'm still a little hungry though.
I really should be posting. Really really really should be posting. But I'm so unmotivated right now. I feel especially bad because the day is going to end tonight, and we'll (XT & I) have to bubble. Not a big fan of the bubble. I'm not sure why. Maybe because it makes me feel a little guilty for not getting off my ass and posting in time. I understand how it can be a Very Good Thing, but it always makes me feel like I failed somehow.
No, I don't know why. Stop analyzing me!
I'm should go try and post.