Hello all my lovely friends.. I know its been a while.. since april infact.. and I have no excuses.. but I am begging your fogiveness. I hope that none of you missed me too much..
So here goes with an update as to what has been going on in my life as of late.
Oh ok so lets go back to May.. I was having severe heart burn, or what I thought was heartburn.. turns out I was having gallbladder attacks. And when I went to the hospital my blood pressure was so high that they had to keep me for a week to lower it because they couldn't do the surgery. They sent me home without doing it because I was able to eat again. Three weeks after that I went back into the hospital with the pain again, but this time I knew what it was. So they took out my gallbladder and I was off for six weeks. Well three weeks off that I took and then the doctor put me on limited duty and Nancy said she couldn't use me with my limitations so another three weeks off.. I hated not working for that long. It was devistating and boring.. BUT something good did come of that time off. And I will tell you all about it in a minute.
I went home to see my mom and sister for mom's 50th birthday in July. It was nice to catch up with both of them and help G. plan her wedding.. Yah she's getting married on the 29th. I get to wear a pretty navy dress. It's up in Lac La Biche. and there won't be a lot of people there.. G. said only 60 came which is half of who they invited.. but really it's in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere and it's winter.. what else do you expect.
So the good thing that came out of my being off in July was that I started talking to an amazing man named Darcy. He was part of the gaming group that I go to on sunday night at a friends house. He works at Shaw and lives at home to help his parents. He's 37 and he's fantastic. We started talking July 8th. There was some issues that we had to get over but everything worked out and that was the past.. Our official date was September 5th. and now we're so happy.
Something horrible also happend.. I figured out that assistant manager wasn't for me at Addition Elle so I stepped down from the posistion at the beginning of September. I dropped down to associate and had a few issues working with that. I didn't know my place and if I still belonged. I opened my big mouth one to many times and it kept getting back to Nancy. Which is the issue with an all woman's retail store. They talk about each other and gossip and bitch. I was just venting and I guess she had had enough of it and at the begining of December she gave me the boot. I think that's the worst thing.. she says she was sick of giving me so many oppertunities. but really I haden't had any customer complaints and it was just my word vs. theirs.. and they won..
But its been three weeks and I am sick of being broke and worrying about money.. Darcy's amazing and says we will get through this rough time together.. but I hate being a burdon on him. I have put my resume out EVERYWHERE but still nothing.. well not nothing. I do have an interview at a temp agency on tuesday so that should be good. *fingers crossed* I just don't know what I want to do and I think that is the issue.
Ok I think that is it.. Hope you are all doing well.. Much love