Hello and welcome to day two...
So day two went ok.. i guess.. I had to work both jobs and that has become my life.. I am tired and a bit bored.. but i really don't think there is much I can do about it.. So for now I just keep going.. one day at a time...
I had went home sick from Cole on Friday because of a massive headache, which I did have.. its not like i didn't want to be there.. I did go in and get my main Friday job done.. but no, I get called into the bosses office today because they thought that I went home to get drunk because I tweeted at 4:30 "Drunk at 4:30.. Can we say classy?" which was about someone I had seen at the mall who was apparently drunk...
Which brings me to the main question... should I allow my manager to continue following me on twitter? I mean she is an awesome person but I don't like having my twitter used against me because 1) all I tweet about is how i feel at that exact moment in time 2) yes, i realize i shouldn't be tweeting at the office and i am working on it...
ok so that's about all I have to say about today. Hope you are all doing well...
Weird Laws: When you pass a cow in Pine Island, Minnesota it is illegal not to tip your hat.
Picture of the day:
Song of the day: Can be found if you click
here.. hope you like it as much as I do.