Jul 18, 2005 10:36
I really do hate Walmart now. I have many cool stories to tell about how people treat me like I'm a little monkey when they come in, because obviously a cashier is not capable of standard thought-processes like a normal human. Being a cashier also means we dropped out of high school can't get ourselves one of those them-there "real jobs" that work 8-5. Most people who work those end up killing themselves out of depression.
But, you know, as soon as we step up to the register, we're obviously inferior to all of our customers. They leer at you, strategically take money out of your hand so they avoid touching you because it's a well-known fact we have AIDs all over our palms. My favorite kind of customer is the one who doesn't say anything at all, because they've had a "bad day." It's ok to take it out on the cashier. Customers instantly lose paitence upon entry here at Walmart. Waiting one minute for something will cause them to get angry and tell you their house is on fire and their mother is being raped. They take the 'customer is always right' shit way too far. Being right doesn't mean you ignore that everyone is human, they lose compassion and sight of the fact we are here to help you get out of the store. Half of these people would probably cry if they worked in retail.
Fun Stories:
Laxative Man: He comes in every so often and buys chocolate laxatives. He looks really constipated and has a weird face. I marked his $20, like I do with everyone else's out of habit and he tells me to mark all the change I give him back. He says that if I'm going to call him a thief, he's going to treat me the same way. Weirdo.
Stupid Old Lady: She comes into my line and says that the already clearanced price for the $6 dollar that was reduced to 3.50 is way too much for her regardless of the quality of the plant. I try to call management, but didn't hear the call because well, for some fucking reason the phone was put on pulseand I never heard it ring. One minute passes and some lady the woman is with says they're tired of waiting. The lady looks like a fucking cunt. They leave bagless. Lady with old woman makes door alarm go off. I think she didn't want to be seen by management :P Stupid thief.
Angry Mother at bike rack: I told her kid to not ride the bike around the store, because there are people walking around and he may run into them or fall off and get hurt. She proceeds to yell at me and ask me how is he supposed to know if he likes thb ike. Ok, lady, how are yous upposed to know if you don'tl ike a blender? Do youw ant to make something with it in the store? Youdon't, because it's inappropriate. It's for the safety of your child, you stupid fuck.