Jan 04, 2004 22:09
Wow, now that I've thought about it, it's been a very Sarah-y vacation. I've seen her EVERY day since Wednesday, I think. Wicked.
CQU rehearsal today. Fun stuff. And Danny, if you read this, I want that recipe for low-fat brownies.
Tomorrow = badness. Ugh. Y'all will hear about it tomorrow, so I won't even bother writing today. Or maybe I just won't write about it, I don't know. Yeah I'm being unnecessarily cryptic, but that's OK.
Sometimes I don't understand how my ADD works. I spent about 45 minutes just now working on 4 MEASURES in my Debussy, and got them really good. Yet it took me 4 hours to get about 5 reeeeeeally easy math problems done. It's so weird. Gah. Maybe I'm just generally mentally unstable. But also as I was playing kept thinking about everything that I screwed up majorly this year, or let happen that I could've prevented, and I almost started crying. Almost started crying as I was playing this huge majestically happy section in Les collines d'Anacapri by Debussy. Kind of ironic, ain't it?
I don't know. Maybe I'm just weird. Well, duh.
This entry doesn't make any sense.
Oh, and goodness! Josh called, we talked for a long time on the phone and we got to talking about Medicare, and he gave some good reasons why it wasn't their fault and stuff, but it's so much easier to put the blame on someone other than myself. Though I suppose it's neither of our faults (mine or Medicare's) that she died, although Medicare had the treatment and I don't know how to separate enzymes from blood plasma, but I guess that's beside the point. I guess it's so much easier to just blame Medicare for not doing something than to just say that she died. Because technically they could've prevented it. But now I'm rambling and I'm going to end up just blaming myself again. *sigh* Even cats can die of broken hearts.
P.S. I was so proud of myself today, I was playing How Long Has This Been Going On (Gershwin) and it was in a highish key, so I transposed it IN MY HEAD (for all you musically-illiterate people, that means that I changed the key of the piece, which means that every note was (in this case) four notes below the one written on the page). I RULE. Except I don't, because five and a half million other people can do it, too, but I guess you have to start somewhere.