Aug 31, 2007 16:01
On some afternoons a couple in a white car park on our street and just sit in their car. Sometimes they fight, very loudly, sometimes they go to the place on the corner and buy a pizza and eat it in the car.I am not sure about the man but I know for a fact that the woman is or was a crack addict. She was busted at the library last year for smoking in the bathroom. Now I am a compassionate person and I wish them no ill will. They don't bother me and my nosy nature likes to watch them and sometimes listen to them fight.I have never called the police on them since I figure they are mostly harmless... BUT! Today...right now as I type this, she is standing on the sidewalk in front of our house, screaming obsenities at the guy in her tee shirt and underwear claiming he won't give her her pants back so she can go find another man. And now she has climbed up onto our porch and sat down, continuing to yell and scream (she has a very deep and oddly gravely voice that carries) about her worthless no good scumbag *word I won't say let alone type* mother fucking boyfriend and how he won't give her any money or her pants back. I am guessing the neighbors called the po-po cause they just pulled up and now she is getting even louder and is now taking her shirt off....oh merde I hope they can get this woman some help, she is now telling the cops she lives here..uh-oh they just rang the doorbell..brb. OK why is it I said 4 times she doesn't live here and I don't know who she is a confusing statement to New Brunswick's 5-O?" No I did not call you, no I don't know who she is, no she does not live here, no I don't have your pants"..then she asked me for a cigarette and if she could come in to use the bathroom. "Sorry, No on both accounts" Asking me if I want to press charges?! "For what" I said " smiling on a cloudy day?(the deadhead in me will never fade away) She didn't hurt me or bother me, her business is with her boyfriend not me". The cop didn't like the fact that I said this, I think he was looking for a reason to take her away beyond the fact that she desperatly needs help. They are still in conversation and trying to get her to put her pants back on in our driveway as I type this. Gods I fucking love this town!!