Nov 17, 2006 18:19
He makes me happy, i don't want to break up...but i don't think things will get better until i confront him. Only one problem, he always gets so defensive when i tell him how i feel, it ends up turning into a huge fight, one i rather aviod. I feel like a damn house wife going through a damn mid-life crisis. I cook, I clean, i even pay the fucking bills. I hardly hear the words that would make all the hard work worth it..."thank you". All i want is to be treated how i treat him, don't get me wrong, he's a great guy and like i said before makes me happy. However i'm starting to feel a little used. I am the only girl i know who pays for dinner or out of town trips. Maybe it's my personality that is causing the problem. Maybe i offer to do these things so much, that now it's just expected of me. Also i know that my "situation" with money is a lot more secure than his, but still how much do roses really cost? and last time i checked saying the words "thank you" is kinda free. i'm starting to doubt how i feel.