TRWOSY06: Episode One

Jun 01, 2005 00:09

Corbin and Jessica in car driving to the mall, wherelse would they go. They begin to discuss the summer because they most likely have not seen each other in at least three days and must recap the whole summer. Finally they get to the inevitable "I wonder how everyone else's summer went?"

and the camera SNAPS to Katie L. standing in front of a white wall occasionally blinking

SNAP to Jen-Yen who takes one last swig from her flask before passing out and falling to the floor

SNAP to betsy feasting on chocolate, smeared all over her face

SNAP to Bianca walking down to street with Dolce waving with a royal wave to no one in particular and basically no one at all really.

SNAP back to katie L. still blinking

SNAP to Taryn lifegaurding at an empty pool

SNAP to Katy putting a bandaid on Emily. Emily wearing rollerblades and Katy wearing a pink apron with frilly things.

SNAP to Jenny making out with Four guys at once

SNAP to Brendan kissing a girl at a gay pride festival

SNAP to Katie still Blinking

SNAP to MFM playing tennis BY HERSELF

SNAP to Holla Back Girls sitting in a dark room in front of a TV

SNAP to Mel C. Nat and Amanda picketing with Free Zimbabwe and SAVE THE FIREFLIES signs

back to Corbin and Jessica "i think we had the best summer"

SNAP to Jessica hooking up with Jordan O.
SNAP to Corbin knitting with old people

Arrive at the mall where the two mostly wander around and talk about stuff that regular teenagers talk about and using lots of words like "whatev" "gnarly" "rad" and "SELFISH" and of course by the new clothing for school, jessica has lots of humming and haing similar to girls on LBTROC but not the same because this show has no affiliation with LBTROC, until they run into the Swim TEAM who form a barricade and will not let them pass......Corbin and Jessica glare and momentarily pass, they go for wake/waik tea and than are on there way out.

When they leave the mall they see James drive by in a Red Mustang clearly stolen


Swim Team: they think they are "it" which is a bit of a misconception, led by Katie L., they wear spiky swim caps and goggles out in public. Sometimes bullyish

*TRWOSY06 is entirely fiction, therefore all similarities are purely coincidental for none of these characters are modeled after any facts, so dont get mad, relax and laugh
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