Nothing can beat me down for your pain or delight

Nov 13, 2004 12:47

The Papa Roach concert. I once marvelled at it's elusiveness, I've missed the opportunity before at least once or twice. Last night it really happened. First up on the Roster was a band called Chronic Future. They have a major label record, but they really aren't very impressive. It's like... Emo Rap... but it's interesting, and sue generis to say the least. After that came Trust Company, who I've seen before. The lead singer was a little weak though. During the show though, as I got closer, I came to realize that the whole time Trust Company was on, and for most of Papa Roach, I was rockin' out next to the lead singer of Chronic Future. We both had the crazy metal hair going on, definitely a memorable experience. Papa Roach was so energetic and enthusiastic in concert. I was in the pit the whole time, and as always, someone spotted the Sound and Fury shirt. It got so uber-sweaty at the concert, that I bought a P.Roach shirt after the concert. It's blue and says "Viva la Cucaracha!". The night ended at Denny's, which is how concert nights are supposed to end, and so all was well. I totally got the shit beat out of me in the pit, but I feel like a million dollars bill.nofoolin - crowdsurfing during "Between Angels and Insects" was also the shizznyte.

If you weren't there, I gotta say, you missed a good show.
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