Nov 06, 2005 23:05
The Bluefrog Coffeehouse got a serious face lift this weekend. We were closed for renovations but it was worth it. A new counter and new floor tiles, plus a de-wallpapered wall that will be painted in the next few weeks are what we have to offer. Essentially- style! It's such a beautiful space (with the curved window and all!) and business is growing- so we decided it was time to take charge and get a makeover and bring some fun funky coolness to downtown Cortland. We're also getting a new refrigerated display case and a big oven- so keep your eyes open (and your tastebuds ready) for many new things (treats!) to come to The Bluefrog! We open tomorrow morning (Monday, November 7th, 2005 @ 7am)- stop by for some Gimme! coffee and check out the new look. See you there!
ps- Kh'mi is playing on Friday, November 11th at 8pm... Good times!