Mar 01, 2008 11:18
About 3 months ago, right before Pete left for Winter break, people came over and we hung out until really early in the morning. We were playing music which admittedly had a pretty loud bass going. But it was a Friday night, and we didn't think anything about it, especially since other people were having little get togethers of their own around us. Around 3am, someone knocks on my door. It's a girl in pajamas and she says, "Could you turn down your music? I have an exam in the morning."
Being the nice people we are, we turn down the music, but we wonder why someone would have an exam on Saturday morning. And it's not like we could have known that she had one either.
Well, from then on I was really careful about how loud I kept the music whenever we would hang out. They did their share of keeping their music downstairs loud though (like right before I was going to drive up to visit Pete and it was blasting away at like 2am). But, I never said anything because it didn't really bother me too much, even when they did it during weekdays.
Last night I found out that they probably do it just to get revenge. I heard voices in the hallway and, naturally, I went to investigate. Then I hear a girl say, "Oh, I don't care if we're too loud. This one time, upstairs they were like blasting their music at 4 in the morning. I had to go upstairs, I didn't even have my contacts in, and I said, 'Shut the fuck up, I have an exam!' It was so ridiculous. They were so wasted!" Ok, lie #1 is that what she said to me. Lie #2 is that we were wasted.
Anyways, they go back into their apartment downstairs and proceed to pound on things. I'm not sure if they went about wrecking the apartment, but that's what it sounded like. Whatever they did, it was silly and immature. They were doing this until like 3am just to get back at me having the music up that one time, on a Friday night, when anyone normal might have been doing. How were we supposed to know that she was the only freak that had an exam on a Saturday morning? I wasn't bothered by the noise, necessarily, since I was awake anyways. But, I was bothered by their behavior. It's been 3 months and it never happened again! Get over it...
P.S. They've started pounding again, just now. What is their deal?