Mar 08, 2007 16:16
so in my lj's I am vag for a reason. Cause I dont want to talk about people usally. or its an overwhelming feeling about life that seems to be directed at one person but its not really. Lately I have been wrighting alot of posts that, after reading them again. I can see how they look like I am always talking about the same person or a certain person. BUT this is only true IF you dont talk to me on a regular basis. People close to me know that there has been alot of guys coming in and out of my life. Especially lately. I have been using my feelings of rejection from all of these guys to wright alot of song lyrics, poetry, and I am seriously considerign wrighting a novel. Again if you know me I have been saying that for years. I hate to think that someone who doesnt know me well, is reading this and assuming things that arent true just because my ranting and ideas for wrighting my appear to suggest that.
Right now lets look at life, honestly for a second.
I am not seriously dating anyone. I have no strong feelings for anyone that is in Colorado. (That sucks BTW). I am dating a casually. That is it. Which based on my schedule, is really all I have time for. I have no desire to be a girlfriend again.
Spring break is in two week. I CANT FUCKING WAIT
I have three friends coming to stay with me over break. One of my girls from home that I havent seen for a while is trying to come up and she wont stay with me but it should be cool. Lastly I may work (I KNOW IT SUCKS) but I need the money. I also will be trying to find a internship for this summer.
if it sunny, yeah i am not holding my breath. I will be working on my tan.
I am stressing hard right now, there is too much drama that I shouldnt be involved in that I am having to deal with. Then there are people that are upset and wont fucking tell me why. I feel like i need to be there for everyone. Add school to that and I am spreading my self to thin. I need a night off.