Dec 13, 2006 15:51
Finals = SUCK
Took my FIRST final this morning at 8am. Lets just say it sucked. we finished the exam at 10:45am and our TA wasnt there for the test because he is out of town (all I have to say about that is coward, he just didnt want to deal with us bitching because he knew we would bitch) By 12:05 Everyone in our class recieved this e-mail, to give you an idea of how much my first test sucked.
Hi class-
I've received a few emails about the difficulty of the exam and I
just want to assure you all that if it was way too hard, there will
certainly be a curve. I'm not looking for an average in the 60s
here, so if the mean grade is quite low, I will curve it sufficiently
to ensure that students don't do terribly worse on the exam if you've
been on a good track so far this semester.
Best to you all on the rest of your finals.
I would never use the word Raped out of context but I think I got raped by that test, it sucked ass.
On to worse things, I skipped the class directly after that one because I was devistated, oh but in the last week of class we had a quiz. WTF. So now I have to beg my Prof to let me take it. He had told us we werent going to review until friday, and i already understood what was going on so I didnt think it wold be a problem. YEAH I WAS WRONG.
so during this time i was not in class I was talking to one of my friends who I have been confiding in alot lately, too bad we had an arguement, and now I have no one to talk to.
My italian class is the only class that if I study I feel it will help.
My last class of the day, I saw our review sheet 2 pages single spaced....AHHHHH
Me being the good student I went to check and see when my review sessions would be for one of my classes its in the middle of my other class. WHY Cant we have dead week or even day
So I have to write one page single spaced on the documentry of the real events that the excersit was based on...can i mention I Hate scary movies.
LAST but not least, all my friends are at home already and I dont get home until the 21st for those of you playing at home thats next thursday.
I am stressed and bummed and feeling totally alone, I am freaking out and I need help